Islamophobia in Europe — handling an everyday phenomenon

International colloquium

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As the current European Islamophobia Report shows, Islamophobia has become an everyday phenomenon, occurring in all European countries. Islamophobia exists in Poland as well as in Germany, the UK or France, Spain or Belgium, regardless of the number of Muslims living in the respective country. The extent of Islamophobia as well as strategies to report, document and fight the phenomenon varies among different European societies.

The colloquium ‘Islamophobia in Europe – handling an everyday phenomenon’, aims to address these differences while, at the same time, providing a forum for exchange and networking for various European actors.

The conference will open with a key-note lecture followed by a get-together where  participants can get to know each other and exchange experiences and ideas. During the colloquium, Islamophobia in Europe will be discussed in several talks, following a key-note lecture presenting facts and figures on Muslims in Europe. The aim is to take into account both, the political perspective (discussion of approaches and thematic challenges) and the practical approaches of the phenomenon (discussion of model projects and programs).

The talks will be in German and English with simultaneous translation.


Thursday, 29 November 2018
18:00-20:30 (key-note lecture and get-together)

Friday, 30 November 2018
10:00-16:00 (key-note lecture and talks)


Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ), Glinkastraße 24, 10117 Berlin


Janine Ziegler

The event is part of the project „WIR HIER! Keine Platz für Muslimfeindlichkeit in Europa“ in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

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