
Female Labour Migration in European History

FeMig.Lab aims to make more visible the multifaceted history of female labour migration in and to Europe in the 20th century and its impact on today’s societies. To this end, we connect museums, educational and cultural institutions as well as NGOs across Europe, and we are developing an online education platform.


Anna-Elisabeth Hampel


01.09.2024 – 31.08.2026



Labour migration is part of the common European 20th century history. Although it has contributed to shape European societies until today, it still finds only a marginal place in collective memory and educational curricula – even more so when it comes to female labour migrants.

The transnational project FeMig.Lab makes more visible these herstories as well as their consequences for today’s mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion of migrants and for intersectional structures of discrimination. Our aim is to counteract anti-migrant and sexist narratives at both local and transnational levels.

To this end, we bring together museums, memorials, cultural research institutions and migrant organizations throughout Europe to exchange and work on a differentiated and intersectional narrative about European migration history and its interconnectedness with colonialism, the Cold War, and the struggle for democratic and diverse societies.

Furthermore, exemplary testimonies of female (labour) migrants will be collected and documented on an online platform as a digital exhibition, accompanied by tools to integrate and make more visible the presence and agency of female migrant workers throughout the European history in the 20th century up until today into educational and exhibition programs.


The project is funded by the European Union within the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV).

In cooperation with:

Humanity in Action Poland

Ethnographic Museum of Istria

LVR Industrial Museums

Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Migranten