BibDem: Become a co-researcher!

Are you a user of the America Memorial Library?

Are you interested in history?

Would you like to research together and plan an exhibition?

For an exciting digital exhibition and a forum on the history and future of libraries as spaces of democracy, we are looking for a group of people who would like to research with us! We would like to meet regularly in a relaxed atmosphere until November 2025. Depending on your availability, we will work out the dates together. Our aim is to start in August.

We want to dive into and analyze the history and role of the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek (AGB, America Memorial Library) as a place of democratization across social boundaries and publish our findings in the form of a digital exhibition. The study of the AGB also serves as a starting point for exploring the history and future of public libraries as places of democracy in Germany.

We want to hear your perspective(s) on the library! Collectively we will work with archive material on the history of the AGB. In workshops, we will discuss libraries as places of democratization. We are excited to hear your ideas for the planning of a “Future Forum” and our exhibition.

An expense allowance will be provided for participation.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

+49 30 457989544 

If you are interested, we look forward to receiving some personal information about you:

Current main occupation:

Ich stimme zu, dass meine persönlichen Daten von Minor zum Zweck der Teilnahme als Co-Forscher*in im Projekt “BibDem” verarbeitet und gespeichert werden. Mein Einverständnis kann ich jederzeit per E-Mail an widerrufen.

Das Projekt wird gefördert durch die Stiftung „Orte der deutschen Demokratiegeschichte“.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin (ZLB).