The experience of Central Eastern European migrants in Germany during the Corona pandemic

Tobias Stapf, Adina Danes, Max Behrendt, February 2021

This presentation gives an overview of the current situation of Central Eastern European migrants in Germany in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with a particular focus on the labour market situation. The results are drawn from the statistical analysis of the project “European Berlin” and from the “digital streetwork” research of the project “Reach Out and Organise vs. Corona” in the social media networks of Romanian migrants.


Tobias Stapf

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20 Seiten


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Diese Publikation wurde im Rahmen des Projektes Reach Out and Organize vs. Corona veröffentlicht.

Das Projekt wird gefördert durch eine Zuwendung der Stiftung „Open Society Institute“ in Kooperation mit dem Büro des Berliner Direktors der Open Society Foundations.