Damascus with Love

Online Film-Screening

The film „Damascus with Love“ by the Syrian director Mohamad Abdul Aziz deals with the complexity of identities and the living together of minorities in Syria against the background of a Jewish-Christian love story.

The film was completed in 2010, shortly before the beginning of the war in Syria.

The Syrian Jewish woman Hala is about to leave the country to follow her family to Italy when she learns that her childhood love Nabil is still alive. This is the beginning of an adventurous and often absurd search for clues that starts in the old town of Damascus and then leads through the whole of Syria. For Hala, this journey becomes an examination of her own past and that of the country.


December 13th, 2020 – 4 PM


Tanja Lenuweit


To the Facebook event

This event is part of the exhibition Side by Side – Syrian Jewish (Hi)Stories by the project The Course of (Hi)stories.

The project is under the patronage of the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas.

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