Outreach counselling for refugees in social media
Social Media Bridge
The project „Social Media Bridge“ offers information and referral advice for refugees on social media platforms on the topic of working in Germany and does so in seven languages. It supports the networks of the WIR programme with training, support and handouts in developing their own online skills.

Agnieszka Skwarek
01.10.2022 – 30.09.2026
Українська | Русский | Deutsch | Francais | Türkçe | Kurdî | عربي | فارسی
The model project „Social Media Bridge“ is part of the project „bridge – Berline Netzwerk für Bleiberecht“
The project „bridge – Berlin Network for the Right to Stay“ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) as part of the programme „WIR – Networks Integrate Refugees into the Regional Labour Market“ and co-funded by the state of Berlin (Berliner Landesmittel).