Social Media Streetwork

Initial Information, Orientation and Advising in Social Media Against Marginalisation

The project develops and offers initial multilingual information and advising in social media for marginalised EU migrants, minorities and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.


Agnieszka Skwarek


01.10.2022 – 30.09.2026


български | Deutsch | hrvatski | italiano | polski | română


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The partner project “Social Media Streetwork” (SoMS) by Minor and the BAG Wohnungslosenhilfe e.V. is a nationwide pilot project and is part of the ESF-Plus program “EhAP Plus – Inclusion helps against the exclusion of the most disadvantaged people”.

SoMS develops and offers multilingual initial information and advising for the target groups of particularly disadvantaged newcomers to the European Union, homeless people or people at risk of homelessness and their children under the age of 18. The focus is put on supporting particularly marginalised communities, i.e. especially Roma and Sinti as well as homeless people. The target groups communicate actively on social media which is why they shall easily receive information there and will be referred to EhAP Plus projects and/or local help services. At the same time, incorrect information shall be diminished.

The project forms a bridge between the target groups that cannot be reached, neither by local EhAP Plus funding, nor the other EhAP Plus projects or any other local or regional support. Within the framework of the project, a special value is set on the documentation and transfer of the results in order to achieve sustainable use of the online methods by the EhAP providers and the locally and regionally available support offers. The transnational exchange of digital support for marginalized target groups is also an important part of the project.

With “Social Media Streetwork”, Minor and the BAG Wohnungslosenhilfe e.V. as project partners bring their skills and networks together to meet the needs of the target groups of the EhAP Plus.

Project partner is the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe e.V.

The project “Social Media Streetwork – Multilingual Initial Information and Advice on Social Media Against Marginalization” is being carried out as part of the program “EhAP Plus – Inclusion helps against the exclusion of the most disadvantaged people ”.

The project “Social Media Streetwork – Multilingual Initial Information and Advice on Social Media Against Marginalization” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) and co-financed by the the EU Equal Treatment Office at the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, who is also the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism.

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